Todmorden Orchestra Special 150th Anniversary Performance
Saturday 22nd March 2025
We are delighted that our 150th celebrations will open with a special performance by Todmorden Orchestra, which is only fitting, as one of the very first events to be held in the newly opened Town Hall in 1875 was an orchestra concert.
As this is a special concert for Todmorden, the soloist will be Martyn Jackson, who grew up in Tod and began his illustrious career with the Todmorden Orchestra.
Violin Concerto – Brahms
Banks of Green Willow – Butterworth
Fantasia on Auld Lang Syne – Tomlinson
Pomp and Circumstance – Elgar
Plus a special commission tbc
There will also be a brief interlude to outline the history of the orchestra and its long-standing association with the Town Hall.